Air fresheners are loaded with chemicals
Air fresheners and scented candles are a quick fix in the fight against odors. The residuals left behind are harmful to you, your pets and your environment. Consider an aeris by iRobot aair 3-in-1 Pro air purifier in your battle over home odors.
Not only do our products come in sleek designs to fit any home, and run at a decibel level no louder than a fan, the molecular filtration system, which sweeps your room every 15 minutes, will remove the odors from your home caused by chemicals, toxins, cooking, pets and smoke.
Any and all air pollutants will be permanently removed using a process that reduces your impact on the environment. Your indoor air quality will be greatly improved by the odor-absorbing qualities of the molecular filter, and the microscopic particle collecting of the HEPA filter, which come standard in our air purifier.
The aeris aair 3-in-1 Pro is the all-in-one air purification system you need to protect you and your loved ones from pollutants, viruses, bacteria, allergens and odors without interfering with your décor, lifestyle or the planet. You simple cannot make a smarter purchasing decision for your home.
Clean air. Healthy home.
Air filtration systems rated for medical industry use, with high-capacity air purifying capabilities, protect you, and the people you love, from third-hand smoke exposure left as a by-product of burned tobacco.
The aeris aair 3-in-1 Pro comes standard with an H13 HEPA*** filtration system and triple-filter hermetically sealed chamber that protects your home and provides you with nothing but clean, fresh, healthy breathing air.